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Oak Class May 22 News

Posted 23rd May 2022 Oak Class May 22 News

In Maths we have looked at applying the four operations to word problems, revision and application of decimal numbers, converting time and time duration, problems involving money and measure and pie charts.

In English the children are looking at persuasion writing with a World war II focus linking to our history topic. They have inferred information from a text and justified their reasons. The children have written persuasive reasons for and against why parents should have evacuated their children.

In Science for our unit ‘Animal and Human Life Processes’ the children have identified the types of teeth and described their functions. They have planned and set up an investigation to explore tooth decay using eggs and different liquids. They observed what changes they could see during the week and used this to write a conclusion on their investigation.

In History for our unit ‘World War II’ the children described the events from the Battle of Britain, they wrote a letter in role as an evacuee and described how people’s diets were different during the war and why they had to ration food.

I wanted to say a big well done to the Year 6 children that worked hard during SATs week. I am very proud with the resilience and perseverance they showed. Also well done to the other children in Oak class that were very supportive of their class mates completing the tests.

On Tuesday 24th May the children went to Woodhall Park where they took part in different forest school activities. These included the children planting, looking at wildflowers, bird feeding, compositing and recycling and many more fun activities.

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Jane Doe

