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Oak Class Nov News

Posted 17th December 2021 Oak Class Nov News

In Maths we have looked at the formal written method for multiplication and fractions.

In English the children looked at the book ‘Until I met Dudley’ where they planned and wrote an explanation text on their own invention using fronted adverbials to order the steps logically. We also read the story ‘Sulwe’ where they wrote a letter to an Agony Aunt asking for advice on being excluded. The children looked at using different sentence lengths. They then planned and wrote a clearly sequenced and detailed narrative based on the book.

In Science our unit is ‘Light’ and they designed a poster about how light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect our eyes. They investigated which materials block light to form shadows and set up an investigation to find patterns on how shadows change in size.

In History our unit is ‘The Victorians’ and they have explored what life was like for Victorian children at school. They carried out some activities that children then would have completed like the drill and a nature lesson. They were then able to make comparisons to school life then and now.

The children have been a part of the Dragons Apprenticeship where they have used materials from forest school to create a product. The children have worked so hard and are on track to making almost £200.

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Jane Doe

