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Breadcrumb Trail

Oak October News

Posted 8th November 2021 Oak October News

In Maths we have looked at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 100 and explored factors and multiples.

In English the children looked at the story ‘Leon and the Place Between’ where they wrote a poem using effective vocabulary to create a magical mood. The children looked at using conjunctions and prepositions to add detail to their writing. They then planned and wrote a clearly sequenced and detailed narrative based on the book.

In Science our unit is ‘Light’ and they investigated which surfaces reflect light testing different materials. They carried our mirror games to explain how a mirror reflects light

In History our unit is ‘The Victorians’ and they have explored how Victorian Britain was changed by the Industrial Revolution and what life was like for Victorian working children.

In DT the children went blackberry picking, tasted different jams and designed a recipe for jam tarts which they used pastry cooking skills to create their own.

We enjoyed our visit to the Henry Moore foundation in preparation for our Art unit on Henry Moore.

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Jane Doe

