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Pine Class March News 2022

Posted 25th April 2022 Pine Class March News 2022

Pine class have been extremely busy and cannot believe that there is only one term left! We have continued trying lots of new learning, from making fruit salads to learning about fractions.
In English, we have been reading poems about food and reciting them to the class. We have used similes to compare the food e.g. candyfloss as fluffy as a cloud.
Maths has been all about fractions. These are quite tricky but we can now find a half, a quarter, two quarters and three quarters. Additionally, we have continued progressing with our times tables knowledge.
In geography lessons we have been learning about where foods come from. We have found different countries on a map and labelled them. We are also much better at identifying the four countries and capital cities in the UK.
In our DT lessons we designed and made fruit salads. We had great fun cutting and slicing the different fruits, but the best part was eating them!

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Jane Doe

