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Breadcrumb Trail

Pine Class May News

Posted 7th June 2021

What an exciting and busy month we have had!

In English we have been looking at information books and learning about the importance of contents pages, glossary pages and index pages. We chose to create our own information books about animals. We used the internet and non-fiction books to help us research and find fascinating facts.

In Maths we have been working on multiplication and division. We have investigated sharing equally, using objects and pictures. We have also learnt to use arrays to record the relationship between multiplication and division. We have finished this month by applying our skills to some tricky word problems.

In science we have been learning about magnets and forces. We have tested materials to find out if they are magnetic. We discovered that not all metals are magnetic. We have carried out different investigations using magnets over the last few weeks.

In geography lessons we have started learning about volcanoes. We know that some volcanoes are dormant, and some are active. We are looking forward to learning more about volcano eruptions!

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Jane Doe

