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Pine Class Sept News

Posted 27th September 2021 Pine Class Sept News

What a great start we have made to the school year!
In English we have enjoyed writing our own stories based on the book ‘Funnybones’. We have also looked at information books and understand the importance of contents pages, glossary pages and index pages. We used the internet and non-fiction books to help us research and find fascinating facts about the human body.
In Maths we have been working on place value. In Y1 with have been learning to identify ‘teen’ numbers. In Y2 and Y3 we have identified the hundreds, tens and ones in numbers. We have then ordered and compared numbers. We are now moving on to adding and subtracting numbers in different ways.

In science we have been learning about the human body. We have labelled our bodies and children in Year 3 have started to name our bones. We have carried out different investigations to find out who has the biggest handspan in the class.

In history lessons we have been learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We know they were famous in the past for changing hospitals and making them better.

We have also enjoyed a music lesson with the specialist music teacher. We loved listening to her play the flute.

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Jane Doe

