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Meet The Governors

Our Chair of Governors can be contacted at:

Our full Governing Body meet once a half term. In addition, we have a finance and resources commitee, who meet at least three times per year. All governors listed at attending committees have voting rights in these committees.

Kathy Dunnett

I used to work for Herts for Learning as a Governance Adviser and have extensive experience as a governor on different boards..
I am really interested in Governance and I wholeheartedly believe that education can make a real difference in young people’s lives.
Prior to my role in Herts for Learning, my background was in health. I have worked in hospitals and in the community as a school nurse.
I have 3 grandchildren now, so still have a personal vested interest to support schools to be the best they can.


Matthew Clutterbuck

I have been on the Tonwell governing body since May 2019. I am the Church Foundation and PE & PPG link governor.
In day to day life I’m a father of 2 daughters who both attend the school and I live in village of Tonwell, where I am also a local district councillor.
I am passionate about STEM where my role as an airline pilot for a major airline comes in useful.

Sarah Bridgman

I have been on the Tonwell governing body since joining the school as Headteacher in September 2016.
Throughout my career, I have always taken an active role in governance, having been staff governor in my previous three schools over the past 17 years. I also volunteered as a co-opted governor at my local primary for two years.
When not in school, I love spending time with my young family, reading and sports.


Mick Furness

I started my professional life as a policeman in Leeds before transferring to Her Majesty’s Prison Service, where I worked through all grades in several establishments across the country to become a Governor. Among my many hats was Prison lead for Race Relations training, Lifer management and Liaison, and National Offender Management Service. I managed a workforce of over 600 and a prison budget of £16 million. My governance experience covers two other schools, including one where I am still on the GB. I joined Thundridge to support developing the governing board in a small Church School and am Chair of Finance and Resources. As a grandparent of ten I think I have sufficient experience of children’s expectations in school and much enjoy seeing the excitement that new learning brings to them.


Anne Sherman

I have joined Thundridge School as a governor in early 2021. I live in the village and am delighted to be able to contribute to the life of the school. My working life has had three stages:

- I was a teacher in comprehensive schools for fifteen years, latterly as a deputy head, curriculum.

· From there I moved into the commercial world while retraining in psychology and management development. After a few years I became Head of Management Training in PricewaterhouseCoopers (then Coopers & Lybrand).

· Finally, a former colleague and I built a psychology consultancy business, specialising in leadership development, coaching and team development across a range of industries and organisations.

There is a theme here of helping people develop themselves, whatever their stage of life! Outside work I have always liked to contribute my time in the area where I live. I have been a governor at Chauncy School and recently retired from a role as chair of a local housing association.


Vicky Wallis

I am the Early Years teacher at Thundridge and have worked here for many years. I am passionate about early years education and love having the privilege of welcoming our newsest children into the school. 

Matthew Clutterbuck

I have been on the Tonwell governing body since May 2019. I am the Church Foundation and PE & PPG link governor.
In day to day life I’m a father of 2 daughters who both attend the school and I live in village of Tonwell, where I am also a local district councillor.
I am passionate about STEM where my role as an airline pilot for a major airline comes in useful.


Mrs Karen Osterley

Terms of Office and Pecuniary Interests


Date of appointment

Term of office

Who appointed them

Pecuniary interests or other governor roles

Mrs Debbie Cole
Mrs Diana Howarth
Mr Michael Levene
Mrs Julie Moorehead
Mr Michael Naylor
Rev. Robert Thompson


Stepped down 31.3.22 as part of changes due to federation



Mrs Sarah Bridgman 

01/09/2022 N/A

Executive Headteacher

 Nothing declared

Mr Matthew Clutterbuck

01/04/2022 01/04/2026


 Nothing declared

Mrs Kathy Dunnett




Nothing declared

Mr Mick Furness

 01/04/2022  31/03/2026


Governor at Edwinstree

Mrs Pat Furness



 Stepped down March 2024

Vice Chair

Governor at Edwinstree

Miss Vicky Wallis

 01/04/2022  01/04/2026  Staff Nothing declared
 Mr Joe Lock  01/04/2022  Stepped down May 2023  Co-opted Nothing declared
 Mrs Lynda McKenzie 01/04/2022  Stepped down May 2023 Foundation

Nothing declared

 Mrs Anne Shearman 01/04/2022 01/04/2026


Nothing declared

 Mrs Helen Bradley

 01/05/2023  Stepped down January 2024  Parent Nothing declared 

Mrs Karen Osterley

 01/11/23   Clerk


Mrs Gill Pick is an associate governor with no voting rights and nothing declared, appointed on 01/04/2022.

Attendance at Meetings




Mrs D Howarth/Mr M Levene/Mr M Naylor



Mrs J Moorehead/Mrs G Pick



Rev. R Thompson/Mrs D Cole



Mrs S Bridgman



Mr M Clutterbuck



Mrs K Dunnett



Mr M Furness



Mrs P Furness


stepped down

Mrs V Wallis



Mr J Lock 4/6 stepped down  N/A
Mrs L McKenzie 4/6 stepped down  N/A

Mrs A Shearman



Mrs H Bradley

stepped down


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