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Oak Class October News

Posted 3rd November 2020 Oak Class October News

Oak class have had a busy month with lots of different learning activities. We had an exciting visit from the Hertford and Ware Sports Partnership where we learned archery skills.

In Maths we have looked at multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. They then applied this to converting units of measurements.

In English the children looked at the story ‘The King who Banned the Dark’ where they were able to write amazing speeches: one for banning the dark and another to keep the dark. They were able to practise and deliver their speeches focusing on their fluency, tone and pitch. They were all fantastic!

In Science we continued with our unit on ‘Electricity’ and they have been able to explain how a switch works, why they are needed and the different types of switches there are. They were then able to record and report on an investigation using switches where they were able to build and make their own switches to make predictions with and test.

In History we had a focus on Black History Month. The children were able to choose and research a significant person and write about what difference they made and why they were so important. They then shared their findings with the class.

Our guided reading had focussed on practising our fluency with echo reading techniques. We have all been trying hard to make sure that we read at home every day. We have just started reading Matthew Syed's book 'Dare to be you' which is all about resiliance and looking after our mental wellbeing and health. 

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Jane Doe

