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Oak Class September News

Posted 5th October 2020

In Maths we have looked at place value of numbers and now exploring mental strategies for addition and subtraction.

In English the children looked at the story ‘Journey’ where they were able to write an engaging story using vocabulary effectively. We also looked at ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ where we looked at using conjunctions and verbs for effect. They planned and wrote their own short narrative using skills learnt over the two weeks.

In Science our unit is ‘Electricity’ and they have identified electrical appliances and the type of electricity they use, predicted and tested complete and incomplete circuits, recognised and drew scientific circuit symbols and identified and sort materials into electrical conductors or insulators.

In History our unit is ‘Ancient Egyptians’ and they have found out about the different ways in which they lived and worked and explained the ancient Egyptian ritual of mummification. They have completed art lessons linked to our topic designing a death mask and making pyramid silhouette’s.

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Jane Doe

